Immersive Experiences that Defy Reality

Immersive Experiences that Defy Reality

Rise Conference 2016, 31/5 13.20-13.45, Machine Stage
Min-Liang Tan (Razor), Edward Tang (Avergant), Regina Tan (Bloomberg)

There is a revolution happening in immersive content and entertainment. From virtual to augmented reality users can jump into new worlds either entirely or while keeping a foot in the real world. Razer is backing an open-source approach in an attempt to become the Android of VR, while Avegant’s Glyph has been referred to as a home theatre that attaches to one’s face.

Immersive Experiences that defy Reality

My favourite tagline lately is, “Perception is reality”.

Virtual Reality is not just about wearing a giant goggle to play video games. Virtual reality is about living in your world of choice. If Mickey Mouse is about making the dream come true, then Disney World theme parks are about the immersive experience in such dream. Avatar is taking this concept to the next level: plugging a cord into your body, so that you can control an Avatar drone and live in the Avatar world. The Avatar World is so real that your identity in such world overshadows that in the reality. Which world is reality, anyways, when one has a stronger identity in one over another?

How about the movie Inception, in which you could just sleep tight and travel to another reality as you wish? You had a choice to stay in your dream, or wake up. You if you choose to stay in the dream forever, you are in coma in essence.

Technology advances are making the virtual reality more real. Is it good or bad? One example quoted in the discussion was, if the VR device is creating a cliff so real that, when in virtual world you walk towards that cliff, your fear accumulates. Would the fear create a lasting psychological effect after you take off the VR device?

On a positive note, Inside Out is one of my favourite movie. Isn’t love about creating lasting joyful experiences for your loved ones? How about taking your loved ones for a virtual journey together? When virtual reality of one is connected to another, and different people can interact, how about a virtual tour together to navigate the ocean with Nemo?

Nikola Tesla (1856 –1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. He worked for Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse. He was the inventor of the AC induction motor, the motor without using any permanent magnet. Applications of AC induction motors nowadays span from heavy machinery to micro robots. Known as the mad scientist, Tesla went on to pursue his ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution, and made early (1893) pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices, despite the ill-fated attempt later at intercontinental wireless transmission, his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project. In his lab he also conducted a range of experiments with mechanical oscillators/generators, electrical discharge tubes, and early X-ray imaging. He also built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited. Named after Tesla, the author have also dreamed of becoming an electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist and futurist, until the financial world snatched him. Nevertheless, the author shared his passion in science and technology, and his fearless attitude towards entrepreneurship.