Posts by: Yvonne Yung

Yvonne Yung is the founder of an international marriage matchmaking agency named Professionals’ Matchmaking Consultation Co. Ltd. which specially caters the love matching need of professionals of both local Hong Kong and overseas foreign clients. With a background of life-soul counseling, suicide psychology, surrealism, and critical realism in solid bank finance career, her extensive scope of life view brings pointed remark of people and relationship. She is an MBA holder with her basic Degree of Commerce, major Economics, from The University of Melbourne.

圈養 vs 放養感情

圈養 vs 放養感情

有女生談及自己正在用很大能量解決一段感情。故事男主角背景良好,為人正派踏實,兼非常鍾愛這名女生。本來這算是一對神仙伴侶,郎才女貌,難得男方痴心專一,但女生對這段情卻常覺透不過氣來。她訴說「我在這段感情裏,雖然心裏很能感到他對我的鍾愛,但我覺得自己活像他的寵物,而非一個人! 」Read more



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世俗成功 vs 真成功

世俗成功 vs 真成功

遇過一些性情外型相當好的女孩子,卻總是覺得自己配不上好男子。她們往往覺得自己沒有甚麽令人喜歡的特徵,人生也不算成功,甚至覺得自己一事無成,也不懂吃喝玩樂,覺得自己了無趣味,了無魅力,時有嗟嘆自己不會有別人愛上。Read more

鑄成超級盛女方程式 (二)

鑄成超級盛女方程式 (二)

年紀不輕,而從未拍過拖的女生,都總有某些行為和心態上的規律。我們不該以對或錯去評這些規律,只可以說這是出現在她們身上的現象。間中遇到一些外表比普通女生質素為好,年紀卻不輕的女生唏噓感嘆,細訴不知何解從未拍過拖,甚至從未有男生邀約單對單出過街。以下歸納了她們一些常見交際反應及行徑特徵:Read more

鑄成超級盛女方程式 (一)

鑄成超級盛女方程式 (一)

有位三十多歲從未拍過拖,但外型樣貌卻相當亮麗的新朋友跟我一邊賞茶,一邊分享她的交友趣聞。在大家盡嚐那大茶壺內高級花茶之際,她覆述她母親在她當天踏出家門時一句家訓「你出外飲食盡量不要離位去洗手間,返回位時要換過另一套新杯、喝另一杯新茶。」Read more



一生人能遇到一位專一而痴心的正常男子 (前題是正常的男子),實在是女人的福份。間中有遇到一些女生談自己如何避走痴心漢,或痴心漢如何苦等女方十年廿年,頭髮斑白也不另娶,外人看在眼覺得很殘酷及浪費。始終一往情深的男人,數量比同品種的女人少得多。Read more

拍拖多久才好結婚? (二)

拍拖多久才好結婚? (二)

上一篇提及一個「捕食者」概念,意指一些存心在情感市場上騙財、騙色、騙感情的男女。受害機會其實男女均等,只是女性可能比較能開口舒發情緒,比較不介意在人前談及自己的負面經歷,所以聽到女性受騙的故事比較多。但其實男性受騙個案俯拾皆是,而他們所感受的情感傷害,亦非理智可輕易為其療傷。Read more

拍拖多久才好結婚? (一)

拍拖多久才好結婚? (一)

大家身邊總有些真實故事,令人非常不解我們究竟需要用多少時間,去認識及判斷一位伴侶可否長久跟自己一起生活。有些人認識雙方一個月便結緍,婚後持續如膠似漆;有些則愛情長跑十多年,但一結婚即離婚。提出和答應結婚時總覺得雙方很合拍和理解對方,別離時提出離婚那位,卻往往說因太了解大家互不合適而走,被要求離婚那位則通常百般痛心無力,非常質疑自己當初作出的結婚判斷,會反覆嘗試找出判斷失準根源。Read more



朋友問我如何分辨感性和理性思維。我問她若果她正在拍拖期,跟新男友為了一些問題吵了一下,他跟她說「我們暫時各自冷靜一下吧!」她會怎辦? 她答「那大家就暫停接觸,冷靜一下吧! 」然後我再問,若果她向某公司求職,求職過後公司回信說 「我們暫時未能顧用你,但會將你的資料保留多六個月以作日後招聘之用。」 她又會怎辦? 她答「我會把這份申請定為失敗,盡快忘記它及找下一份工。」Read more



婚配交友市場競爭的激烈程度及對遊戲參與者的難度,相對招聘市場而言,絕對是有過之而無不及。行內出現的各種岐視、參與者對婚配市場及自我認識的參差、競爭者在市場裏的態度,對於很多在職場游刃自如的朋友來說,都似乎非常難以掌握及駕御。Read more



有女生談及自己在過往的感情付出很多,為對方落力貢獻自己的時間和精力,希望男生愛自己更深,也希望他的家人能見到她對他的誠意,可惜雙方還是未能開花結果,男生最後還是要决絕提出分手。她覺得非常受委屈,感覺自己在雙方相處中,出心出力卻不受男方賞識,自尊心受創。Read more

The Reality of Speed Dating

The Reality of Speed Dating

Really appreciate those catering and beverage friends who urge me to host speed dating in their restaurants with heaps of funny ideas on the event gimmicks and fancies. Their passion on this really impresses me and makes me think seriously on the solution of integrity and quality of matchmaking in such kind of dating form.

It is said that speed dating was invented for retaining the pure breed of Jews. As the ethnicity, nationhood, and living habits of this ethnoreligious group is quite unique in style, Jewish parents prefer their next generation be married to the same orthodox Jews for a more compatible marriage future. They arrange group meeting for their grown-up children to meet multiple targets and set practical rules of dating such as limited minutes of chatting in order to avoid dominance of time on attractive ones by any, scoring paper for taking notes of preferred ones, and fast turnaround of all targets for an efficient glance. We may find such witty personality traits of Jewish in this meeting form.

The popularity of speed dating has bought my clients to some funny sharing of experience. A girl has ever elaborated her personal view to me on the arrangement of speed dating which was also a main income stream of her close friends. One has ever disclosed to her a terrible proportion of 1:30 of male and female in a natural event registration. In order to get a more balanced participation of sexes, the organizers of speed dating may invite males as counterfeiters without verifying their marital status and real background. Moreover, they also overstate the job background of the real participants for a better image presentation, say turning the title of “rental manager” working for a private trust to “private fund manager”, and “private tutor” to “Tutor King”.

It is also not a big fuss that female models are hired by the organizers to attend their dating events. Innocent boys may find them fail to date those good-looking girls individually even though they are told that those girls have scored them high in the event. As invitation and attendance of hotties and artists are also a kind of promotion, the intention of participants can be vague in speed dating.

As a strong asymmetric information on the background, quality, and intention of the organizers and participants presents, a high matchmaking immorality risk must be expected. In such a dating game with the nature of game theory, the honest female members must be caution on the identity of the male members. So applies to the males on their attention of questionable acts of beautiful females. Meeting up high quality potential spouse can be a big delusion for both sexes. For a safer play, they may consider focusing on the fairer-quality participants for a better harvest of dating and avoid spending time and effort on those suspicious perks.

For a quicker filling of vacancies in speed dating, organizers usually accept every claimed single ones without filtering the basic background such as their age. So the mixed basket of candidates is always annoying to the present ones. Such inefficient match-up therefore discourages a long-term trust between the organizers and the participants. That also explains why the people usually avoid speed dating after 1 to 2 attendances and shift their attention to a more serious matchmaking form.

Website: Professionals’ Matchmaking Consultancy Co. Ltd.
Facebook page: Professionals’ Matchmaking Consultancy


Speed Dating 真相

Speed Dating 真相

有做餐飲業的朋友盛意拳拳地慫恿到他的餐廳舉辦極速約會 Speed Dating,大家把活動內容說得天花亂墜,說的聽的也著實一樂也。見大家都開始認真為我計劃點滴內容,我也請他們先更認真地幫我想一想如何解破這種約會所帶來的普遍誠信和質素問題。Read more



找新工時見工,求職者總會被人事部職員先邀請作自我介紹,用意是想理解其自我表達能力及說話條理等。在預備配對前的個別私人課堂時,我也會要求眼前的男或女生,給我介紹一下他們自己,不過其實我用意並非想測試他們的表達能力,而是想看看他們真的如何介紹自己。Read more



當劉鳴煒一公開身份便幾乎將一半在場的女孩吸過去,若這測試是一個有代表性的統計,那坊間很可能有一半女性人口有嫁入豪門的願望。我們可探討一下嫁入豪門的可能性,比較一下各豪門的特色,甚至適應各家豪門的難度。可能在一經比較之下,大家從此對大戶幻想有所轉向。Read more



聽過一個家庭故事: 一個家有兩個工作能力很高的女兒,媽媽在她們20多歲有人提親時,叫她們不要心急嫁;30多歲仍然獨身時,讚她們獨身生活更好;40多歲時農曆新年時,為她們共用的睡房佈置兩棵大桃花,然後說:「不用理我了,快點嫁吧! 」這媽媽究竟一直在想著甚麼? 心裏有甚麽藍圖?Read more




這是一個比較性問題,答案視乎跟甚麽比較。若然跟一個不愛你的人比較,那當然是一個深愛你的人可取得多。愛與不愛,不能强迫。若果遇上一個不愛你的,請盡早離開這段關係。根據觀察經驗,找一段有活力的新感情,通常比將一段舊情「活化」容易得多。Read more



在婚配過程的性格分析上,我比較留意對方在Enthusiast (熱誠者) 這個項目的分數。分數偏低的,通常會在我們的會談環節上會有端倪。他們可能是風格比較嚴肅,是一問一答型;也可能是比較淡靜,悠悠的深思細想,慢慢說慢慢答。而分數偏高的,則常出現搶答,或一問十答,基本上我也不需多用心思引導,對方很容易將所見所聞和盤托出。Read more